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Historical Committee Minutes 01-18-17
Bolton Historical Commission
Minutes of Meeting
January 18, 2017

Chairman: Martha Remington,  
Members Present:  Robert Busch, Alice Coggeshall, Jeannemarie Padovano
Members Absent: William Nickles

1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:10 pm.

2. Minutes: The minutes of 04 January, 2017 meeting were approved.  The actions and discussions of the 07 December 2016 meeting were reviewed so that those minutes can be fiinalized.

3. Minutes of Future Meetings:  The format of future meeting minutes was discussed.  The structure of these minutes reflects that discussion.

4. Town Hall Portico:  The possibility of seeking a Round 23 Historic Preservation Grant to fund a portion of the Portico repairs was discussed. The application deadline is 24 March.  Followup with the DPW Director to address this opportunity, as well as the status of his discussions with the MHC on the overall activity, is planned.

5. Web Page: The problem with the Architectural Reconnaissance Survey web page has not yet been resolved.  Commissioner Busch will contact Linda Day to revisit.

6. 401 Main Street:  Chairman Remington reported that the hearing on the usage of this property has been rescheduled to 28 February.

7. 392 Main Street:  The status of the actions related to this property was discussed and it was concluded that the Commission’s position has been clearly stated and that no further Commission action is warranted at this time.

8. Attic Storage at Town Hall:  It was agreed that the planned visit to inspect the storage area would be postponed until after Daylight Savings time resumes.

9. Administrivia:  Mail received included notice of the May Town Meeting and Freedom’s Way Hidden Treasures.  Approved payment of the National Parks Conservation Association Membership, and discussed the possibility of synchronizing future renewals to minimize overlapping/lapses of renewals.

10. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Busch